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Goldenstein Art Gallery, Sedona

Syri Hall

 Painting Painting  Sculpture Sculpture

A Donkey Kiss Goodnight by Syri Hall
A Donkey Kiss Goodnight
Francesca by Syri Hall
Quail Chick by Syri Hall
Quail Chick
Strawberry Fields Forever by Syri Hall
Strawberry Fields Forever
The Cub Scout by Syri Hall
The Cub Scout

artists BIO

Syri Hall

Plein Air and Wildlife artist Syri Hall has known from childhood where her life and career would take her.


Syri was introduced to Sedona as a child by way of weekend family getaways from Phoenix.  She loved to paint with her family at their bungalow at Indian Gardens in Oak Creek Canyon. Although she would not think seriously of painting until her teens, painting was forever on her mind along with making the beautiful red rocks of Sedona her permanent home.


While attending Arizona State University, Hall switched her studies from business and anthropology to art, spending all day at art school for her last two years of college.  Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in painting and drawing, Syri married her college sweetheart and moved permanently to the Southwest. Landing a job at a local bronze foundry and taking numerous art classes from Sedona Arts Center became a priority to further improve her skills.  Painting, drawing and now sculpture had become her focus.


Syri has been a Plein Air painter for the last several years.  Recreating the mass, the unusual multi-colors of the red rocks in Sedona, the play of light, shadows and bold compositions on canvas, are all integral parts of her designs. Painting and sculpting wildlife is another one of her great loves.


She paints in Goldenstein Gallery’s Artist-in Residence at L’Auberge de Sedona Resort and at the Goldenstein Gallery.


Syri says of being an artist, “Happiness for me is living, painting, and sculpting in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona, truly one of Mother Nature’s crowning achievements.”